We are part of Sedex, a global organization that aims to create a responsible business culture worldwide, handling a portfolio of 50,000+ companies and operating in 150 countries. Sedex advises and guides us to comply with labor rights, occupational safety, and business ethics that drive continuous improvement in all of our value chains.
We are also part of The Association of Flower Producers and Exporters, Expoflores, which acts as the principal representing entity of the Ecuadorian flower sector. Based on the highest principles and values, Expoflores promotes dialogue and communication with different governmental bodies and entities helping us share our perspective, facilitating the achievement of our objectives, and guiding a unified and organized flower sector towards a common goal.
Finally, we are proud to be part of Wholesale Florists and Florist Suppliers of America, Inc., founded in 1961, which evolved from the Wholesale Commission of Florists of America. Nowadays, wholesalers find themselves in a new position in the distribution channel and are playing an ever expanding role in floral distribution. No organization is as uniquely positioned to meet the needs of floral distribution today as WFFSA. The organization tackles the big problems (increasing profitability, improving logistics, and reducing operational costs), as well as the most common and daily ones, such as finding new sources of information, new customers, and new sales channels. WF&FSA’s programs, services, events and communications are designed to provide the solutions and guidance your business demands today and in the future.